"The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation " published the article “Seamless Multilayer─A Novel Total Energy Partition Scheme for Embedded and Hybrid Calculations” by Mysovsky A.S.


Continue Reading"The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation " published the article “Seamless Multilayer─A Novel Total Energy Partition Scheme for Embedded and Hybrid Calculations” by Mysovsky A.S.

"The Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy " published an article “Unveiling the force of weak effects in molecular absorption” by residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics K.V. Kazakov. and Vigasina A.A.


Continue Reading"The Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy " published an article “Unveiling the force of weak effects in molecular absorption” by residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics K.V. Kazakov. and Vigasina A.A.

"The Journal of Chemical Physics" published the article “Magnetic dipole and quadrupole transitions in the ν2 + ν3 vibrational band of carbon dioxide” by D.N. Chistikov, a resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics.


Continue Reading"The Journal of Chemical Physics" published the article “Magnetic dipole and quadrupole transitions in the ν2 + ν3 vibrational band of carbon dioxide” by D.N. Chistikov, a resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics.

The journal “Physical Review” published an article “Distortion dipole effect in symmetric molecules” by resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics K.V. Kazakov.


Continue ReadingThe journal “Physical Review” published an article “Distortion dipole effect in symmetric molecules” by resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics K.V. Kazakov.

"The Journal of Physical Chemistry C" published the article “Dynamics of Adsorbed CO Molecules on the TiO2 Surface under UV Irradiation” by K.M. Bulanin, a resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics.


Continue Reading"The Journal of Physical Chemistry C" published the article “Dynamics of Adsorbed CO Molecules on the TiO2 Surface under UV Irradiation” by K.M. Bulanin, a resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics.

"Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer" published an article "Herman-Wallis factor for a molecule of type HCN" by residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A.


Continue Reading"Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer" published an article "Herman-Wallis factor for a molecule of type HCN" by residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A.

В журнале «Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series» опубликована статья «Trajectory-based Simulation of Far-infrared Collision-induced Absorption Profiles of CH4–N2 for Modeling Titan’s Atmosphere» резидентов Института квантовой физики Вигасина А.А. и Чистикова Д.Н.


Continue ReadingВ журнале «Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series» опубликована статья «Trajectory-based Simulation of Far-infrared Collision-induced Absorption Profiles of CH4–N2 for Modeling Titan’s Atmosphere» резидентов Института квантовой физики Вигасина А.А. и Чистикова Д.Н.

«Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society» published an article «Non-standard mechanism of recombination in the early Universe» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics J.F.Ogilvie


Continue Reading«Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society» published an article «Non-standard mechanism of recombination in the early Universe» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics J.F.Ogilvie

An article «Theory of rovibrational line intensities in allowed and collision-induced absorption spectra of linear molecules» by the residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A. was published in Physical Review A


Continue ReadingAn article «Theory of rovibrational line intensities in allowed and collision-induced absorption spectra of linear molecules» by the residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A. was published in Physical Review A

The journal «Physical Chemistry Chemical Physicsthis» published the article «Fitting potential energy and induced dipole surfaces of the van der Waals complex CH4–N2 using non-product quadrature grids» by the resident of the IQPh Chistikov D.N.


Continue ReadingThe journal «Physical Chemistry Chemical Physicsthis» published the article «Fitting potential energy and induced dipole surfaces of the van der Waals complex CH4–N2 using non-product quadrature grids» by the resident of the IQPh Chistikov D.N.

"The Journal of Chemical Physics" published the article by residents of the Institute of Qusntum Physics Vigasin A.A. and Chistikov D.N. «Simulation of collision-induced absorption spectra based on classical trajectories and ab initio potential and induced dipole surfaces. II. CO2–Ar rototranslational band including true dimer contribution» .


Continue Reading"The Journal of Chemical Physics" published the article by residents of the Institute of Qusntum Physics Vigasin A.A. and Chistikov D.N. «Simulation of collision-induced absorption spectra based on classical trajectories and ab initio potential and induced dipole surfaces. II. CO2–Ar rototranslational band including true dimer contribution» .

The journal "Molecular Physucs" published ab article «Vibrational magnetism and the strength of magnetic dipole transition within the electric dipole forbidden v2 + v3 absorption band of carbon dioxide» by residents of the IQPh Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A.


Continue ReadingThe journal "Molecular Physucs" published ab article «Vibrational magnetism and the strength of magnetic dipole transition within the electric dipole forbidden v2 + v3 absorption band of carbon dioxide» by residents of the IQPh Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A.

«International Journal of Hydrogen Energy» published the article «Raman spectroscopy of SrZrO3 based proton conducting electrolyte: Effect of Y-doping and Sr-nonstoichiometry» by Bulanin K.M.


Continue Reading«International Journal of Hydrogen Energy» published the article «Raman spectroscopy of SrZrO3 based proton conducting electrolyte: Effect of Y-doping and Sr-nonstoichiometry» by Bulanin K.M.

An article "An Efficient Method for Determining Matrix Elements of the Dipole Moment Operator and Corrections to the Energy of a Polyatomic Molecule Using the Perturbation Theory within the Polynomials of Quantum Numbers Formalism" by residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics M.Yu.Yuriev, V.M.Vakhromov, A.O.Voloschenko and L.B.Klink was published.


Continue ReadingAn article "An Efficient Method for Determining Matrix Elements of the Dipole Moment Operator and Corrections to the Energy of a Polyatomic Molecule Using the Perturbation Theory within the Polynomials of Quantum Numbers Formalism" by residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics M.Yu.Yuriev, V.M.Vakhromov, A.O.Voloschenko and L.B.Klink was published.

«Canadian Journal of Chemistry» published an article «Reaction of ammonia and dioxygen in solid neon excited with far-ultraviolet radiation investigated with electronic and vibrational spectra» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie


Continue Reading«Canadian Journal of Chemistry» published an article «Reaction of ammonia and dioxygen in solid neon excited with far-ultraviolet radiation investigated with electronic and vibrational spectra» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie

The journal «Quimica Nova» published an article «Orbitals in general chemistry, part III: consequences for teaching» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie.


Continue ReadingThe journal «Quimica Nova» published an article «Orbitals in general chemistry, part III: consequences for teaching» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie.

The journal «Quimica Nova» published an article «Orbitals in General Chemistry, Part II: Mathematical Realities» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie.


Continue ReadingThe journal «Quimica Nova» published an article «Orbitals in General Chemistry, Part II: Mathematical Realities» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie.

The journal «Quimica Nova» published an article «Orbitals in general chemistry, part I: the great debate» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie.


Continue ReadingThe journal «Quimica Nova» published an article «Orbitals in general chemistry, part I: the great debate» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie.

An article «Influence of a quasi-molecular mechanism of recombination on the formation of hydrogen in the early Universe» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie was published.


Continue ReadingAn article «Influence of a quasi-molecular mechanism of recombination on the formation of hydrogen in the early Universe» by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie was published.

«Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer» published an article «CO2–CO2 and CO2–Ar continua at millimeter wavelengths» by the residents of the IQPh Vifasin A.A. and Chistikov D.N.


Continue Reading«Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer» published an article «CO2–CO2 and CO2–Ar continua at millimeter wavelengths» by the residents of the IQPh Vifasin A.A. and Chistikov D.N.

The journal of the University of Costa Rica "Ciencia y Tecnología" (VOL. 36 NÚM. 1 2020) published an article "THE HYDROGEN ATOM IN MOMENTUM SPACE" by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie

«Ciencia y Tecnología» (VOL. 36 NÚM. 1 2020) Обзор «Атом водорода в пространстве импульсов» Данный обзор призван дополнить существующие описания амплитуд волновых функций атома водорода в пространственных координатах и посвящен…

Continue ReadingThe journal of the University of Costa Rica "Ciencia y Tecnología" (VOL. 36 NÚM. 1 2020) published an article "THE HYDROGEN ATOM IN MOMENTUM SPACE" by the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics, Professor of the Simon Fraser University, J.F.Ogilvie

An article «Breakdown of conventional rovibrational selection rules for field- or collision-induced absorption in symmetric linear molecules» by Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A. was published in Physical Review A

Vol. 102, Iss. 2 — August 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.102.023104 Статья посвящена форме полос поглощения симметричных молекул, возмущенных внешним полем. Основными составляющими всех известных планетных атмосфер являются симметричные молекулы. В разреженном…

Continue ReadingAn article «Breakdown of conventional rovibrational selection rules for field- or collision-induced absorption in symmetric linear molecules» by Kazakov K.V. and Vigasin A.A. was published in Physical Review A

Chemical Physics: the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics Professor J.F.Ogilvie has published the article "The hydrogen atom in the momentum representation; a critique of the variables comprising the momentum representation"

Атом водорода в импульсном представлении; критика переменных, олицетворяющих импульсное представлениеJ.R. Lombardi  J.F. Ogilvie Chemical Physics 2020https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphys.2020.110886Атом водорода кажется простой физической системой, содержащей отрицательно заряженный электрон, движущийся в кулоновском поле положительно…

Continue ReadingChemical Physics: the resident of the Institute of Quantum Physics Professor J.F.Ogilvie has published the article "The hydrogen atom in the momentum representation; a critique of the variables comprising the momentum representation"

An article of Professor J.F. Ogilvie, the resident of the Institute, devoted to the construction of the wave functions of the hydrogen atom, was published in the journal Ciencia y Tecnología

В журнале университета Коста-Рика «Ciencia y Tecnología» (VOL 35 NO 2, JUN 16, 2020) опубликована статья «The hydrogen atom according to relativistic wave mechanics-amplitude functions and circulating electronic currents» резидента…

Continue ReadingAn article of Professor J.F. Ogilvie, the resident of the Institute, devoted to the construction of the wave functions of the hydrogen atom, was published in the journal Ciencia y Tecnología

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer published a joint article of the residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics

Резидентами института Чистиковым Даниилом, Артемом Финенко и Константином Казаковым опубликована статья в JQSRT на тему: "Coriolis effects in the rovibrational structure of an atom-diatom dimer" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106874

Continue ReadingJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer published a joint article of the residents of the Institute of Quantum Physics