KAZAKOV Konstantin Vyacheslavovich
Dr. Sc. in Physics and Math.
Director, Institute of Quantum Physics, INRTU
- kazakovkv@istu.edu
- (3952) 40-59-30
Education: 2003: Specialist Diploma in Physics, Irkutsk State University; 2003: PhD in Physics and Math., St. Petersburg State University; PhD. thesis “Resonance interaction of diatomic molecules in ionic crystals”;
2006: Dr. Sc. in Physics and Math., St. Petersburg State University, D.Sc. thesis “Anharmonicity representation for molecular vibrations in the formalism of polynomials of quantum numbers”.
Working experience:
2019— now: Irkutsk National Research Technical University; Director, Institute of Quantum Physics; the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Senior Researcher;
2015—2019: Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Astrophysical Centre, Director; Senior Researcher,
the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Senior Researcher;
2005—2015: Irkutsk State Technical University (National Research Irkutsk State Technical University since 2010), Centre for Fundamental Research/Physicotechnical Institute, Director, Chair of Quantum Physics and Nanotechnology, Professor;
2003—2005: Irkutsk State University, Assistant, Senior lecturer, Chair of General Physics. 2013—2014: National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Physical and Engineering Institute, Chair of Quantum Physics and Nanotechnologies, Professor.
Lectures and research work at foreign universities:
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada; University of Odense, Denmark; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong; Pusan National University, Republic of Korea.
List of main publications:
- K. V. Kazakov, Integrable anharmonic potentials for stretching and bending molecular vibrations, Annals of Physics, 414 (2020) 168096
- K. V. Kazakov, A novel examination of the similarity between a perturbed hydrogen atom and an anharmonic oscillator, J. Math. Phys. 60 (2019) 102102
- K. V. Kazakov and M. A. Gorbacheva, Calculation of higher-order approximations of the coefficients of the Herman—Wallis factor. Test for hydrogen halides, Opt. Spectrosc. 106 (2009) 475—482
- K. V. Kazakov, Electro-optics of molecules. II, Opt. Spectrosc. 104 (2008) 477—490
- K. V. Kazakov, Formalism of quantum number polynomials, Russ. Phys. J. 48 (2005) 954—965
- K. V. Kazakov, Electro-optics of molecules, Opt. Spectrosc. 97 (2004) 725—734
- K. V. Kazakov and A. D. Afanasiev, Overtone transitions of diatomic dimers XH——XH— in ionic crystals, Opt. Spectrosc. 95 (2003) 54—59
- K. D. Afanasiev and K. V. Kazakov, Calculations of the overtone transitions of pair SH— ions in KCl, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 158, № 1 – 6 (2003) 167—172
- K. V. Kazakov, Uncommon Paths in Quantum Physics, Amsterdam, Elsevier (2014)
- K. V. Kazakov, Quantum Theory of Anharmonic Effects in Molecules, Amsterdam, Elsevier (2012)
- K. V. Kazakov, Invisible Colors of the Rainbow, Irkutsk, INRTU Press (2019)
- K. V. Kazakov, Eight Minutes from the Sun, Irkutsk, INRTU Press (2017)
- K. V. Kazakov, Fragments of Quantum Physics, Irkutsk, ISTU Press (2010)