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  8. Sheng-Lung Chou, J.F. Ogilvie, Jen-Iu Lo, Yu-Chain Peng, and Bing-Ming Cheng, Reaction of ammonia and dioxygen in solid neon excited with far-ultraviolet radiation investigated with electronic and vibrational spectra, Canadian J. of Chem., April 2021
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  10. G. Lamoureux, J.F. OgilvieOrbitals in general chemistry,part III:  consequences for teaching, Quimica Nova (2021), 44(2), 348-354, Feb 2021
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  13. Tamaz Kereselidze, Irakli Noselidze, J.F. Ogilvie, Influence of a quasi-molecular mechanism of recombination on the formation of hydrogen in the early Universe, J. Monthly Notices, Volume 501, Iss. 1, February 2021
  14. T.A. Odintsova, E.A. Serov, A.A. Balashov, M.A. Koshelev, A.O. Korolev, A.A. Simonova, M.Yu.Tretyakov, N.N. Filippov, D.N. Chistikov, A.A. Finenkod, S.E. Lokshtanov, S.V. Petrov, A.A. Vigasin, CO2-CO2 and CO2-Ar continua at millimeter wavelenghtsJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol 258, January 2021, 107400